The fashion of the censored

A book it’s more than a written page, it’s a new world. The main motive of books is to teletransport the reader to a new fantasy. So for the writer it’s very important and vital to write every necessary detail that can help the reader, every scenery, everything so they feel part of the story. Books are for everyone but not everyone books are for anyone. This is something that I constantly said to someone that said that they don’t like to read. It’s not that you don’t like to read it, just that you don’t like to read what people decide to give you. There are many genres so people can satisfy what they would like to be submerged in. It just defines what you would like to read. In my opinion it’s very important that people be defined so they can escape a little out of reality and also so they can learn new things and remind themselves the importance of values and the time. However, even for the books everything it’s not easy.  Because a lot often gets censored by figures of power such as politicians, religious people and the morality of the society. 

It’s fine if you want that your kids don’t read certain things and a determinate age however as the article said “Parents may control what their own children read, but don’t have a right to restrict what books are available to other people.” The same it’s as another topic such as sexuality. If people would like to read about that topic and discover new themes and have more knowledge it’s completely fine. But for me books should be censored or banned except for those that talk about sex assault in a very explicit way, illegal topics, racism and those hate threats or about kids in a very inappropriate way. Minetime, it should be at discrease. 

However, I think since the pandemic it’s more noticeable this conduct; this is because of tiktok. An app that has benign a popular way to inform and to get people to be entertained. Which is very reliable because I have seen how they try to ban books because of their way of thinking instead of saying “okay, I didn’t like this book, so I’m not going to read this type of genre or author”. This happened to kill a mockingbird. It’s a book that has a very good writing, a nice timeline, a good scenery and a very complete character while reporting a social controversy in a very constructive and informative way while they solve this controversy in a realistic way however it does not drain you of realism. But, society tried multiple times to ban it because of the “graphic way” of exposing the racism and the sex assault that the dad is defending. 

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