The pleasure of books

Is more easy to connect with something when you are familiar with it. Because it’s a feeling, that at a certain time you probably call it home. The speech of William Lyon make me experiment that. That passion that all book lover have when we read something. But the best part it’s how he describes it with situations that we are all being through. That makes the spectator familiar with it, just like I said in the beginning. But it makes it more interesting when he sounds poetic but at the same time like he’s telling a joke; because of the way he describes the borrowed books.

Later on, he continues talking about how it is to have books and how the sensation is. How in some way books are your friends, friends that are always going to be with you no matter the circumstances. So as friends, you shouldn’t keep them away. And even though he didn’t use statistics you know it’s true… not just because you are familiar, but because of the way he expresing everything with a lot of details. Details that you know cannot be a makeover. Where each detail leads in some way to another, making feel everything smooth without ruining the logic between words and paragraphs.

An example could be when he says “...and then in later years, is like visiting a forest where you once blazed a trail. You have the pleasure of going over the old ground, and recalling both the intellectual scenery and your own earlier self. Everyone should begin collecting a private library in youth;…” You can notice how in a certain way he finishes talking about that subtheme to later on continue talking about the other, but he manages to make smooth and easy to go along without getting lost in.

Another thing that he uses to make people understand what he is talking about is using metaphors and symbolisms. Metaphor is a way that authors use to express their feelings. Because some things are simply indescribable. So using metaphor and symbolism is easier to make others understand how strong and magnificent it is.

However, all great speeches have to come to an end, because if it’s too long people might get bored and they are not going to give you attention. But, this speech stays concise with what he wants it to say without leaving any doubts. Which is going to make it memorable because I personally never heard someone explain their passion for the books in that way. Even make the spectator want to grab a book and start reading it.

Link to read the speech: 2021-2022 English 11 Advanced Level: Speech (script) – “The Pleasure of Books” | Mrs. Morales-Molina’s Class (

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